The thinking of public interest in anti - dumping proceedings 我国反倾销制度中公共利益的思考
Research on determination of the causal relationship in anti - dumping proceedings 反倾销中因果关系的确定
1 this dispute concerns the application by the united states of the so - called zeroing methodology when determining dumping margins in anti - dumping proceedings , including proceedings resulting in the imposition of anti - dumping measures and proceedings relating to the collection of anti - dumping duties 1这个争端涉及美国在反倾销进程中确定倾销幅度时所谓的归零法,包括进程中随之发生的强加的反倾销措施和相应征收的反倾销税。
Introducing public interest consideration into anti - dumping proceedings can help prevent anti - dumping measures form becoming unjustified safeguards for vested interest of domestic industries . wto and its members like the eu , america and canada have provisions in their respective anti - dumping legislations 如果在实施反倾销时引入公共利益评价机制,就能够避免反倾销成为片面保护国内产业利益的手段,而使其服从于公共利益的需要。
The china ’ s current anti - dumping regulations have explicit provisions for public interest in 2004 . but the issue is too simple , abstract , blurred to bring the value into full play . this article puts forward the main thinking of public interest in anti - dumping proceedings by making an in - depth analysis about the issue of china ’ s public interest . to protect public interest in anti - dumping proceedings , the criterion of protecting competition should be used to reform the judge criterion to dumping conduct 2004年我国新修订的《反倾销条例》正式确认了公共利益制度,但在公共利益的规定上仍显得过于原则、简单、抽象、模糊,操作性和透明度都不强,没有充分发挥公共利益规则应有的价值,本文作者认为完善反倾销制度中的公共利益,应以“保护竞争”标准改革倾销行为的判断标准,公共利益的利害关系方应明确包括倾销产品工业用户以及消费者,并建立利害关系方的权利保障机制,引入较少征税原则,细化反规避问题。